Dayna's Mystery Blog
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Assignment #9: If I Had $100
If I had $100 to spend on ethical gifts, I would buy from Plan Canada, World Vision, and Oxfam, because these organizations offer useful gifts that will help families in need. From World Vision, I would buy 5 fruit trees for $30.00 and 2 rabbits for $35.00. The purpose of 5 fruit trees is to give a family fruit to sell and eat, and I would buy this so the family wont starve and can get some money to buy useful items. The purpose of 2 rabbits is for food and money because rabbits can reproduce quickly, and I would buy this so a family can have more food and money, and a nice pet to make them happy. From Plan Canada, I would buy 3 baby chicks for $15.00. The purpose of 3 baby chicks is that they can be eaten or sold, and they will also lay eggs that can also be eaten or sold, and I would buy this because it would provide a family with more food and money to help them survive. Finally, I would buy mosquito nets for $20.00 from Oxfam. The purpose of mosquito nets is to help prevent people from getting an illness called malaria from mosquitoes that can kill people, and I would buy this so less people will catch malaria. Those are the ethical gifts I would buy if I had $100.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Poem Response
To me, Emily Dickenson's poem means that if you want to have an opinion about something, you should seek the truth before you decide what your opinion is. For example, if their was a new flavor of ice cream, it would be better for me to try it before I decide if I like it or not. I think this should be applied to our society by everyone looking at the truth of something before they make an opinion or judgement about it. To respond to this poem, I can make up a saying : the fact of something is more important than your opinion of it. This means that the facts about something mean more than what you think of it. For example, if I was selling cookies and someone wanted to know what kind they were, I should tell them "they are the chocolate chip kind" instead of "I think they are the good kind." Even if the cookies do taste good, I should give them facts instead of my opinion. However, if someone asks your opinion, it is okay to give it to them. Thanks for reading my response post Emily Dickenson's poem.
Monday, October 25, 2010
About The Clarinet
The name of the instrument I will be playing in music class is called the clarinet.The clarinet is a woodwind wind instrument. The clarinet was first invented in the late 1600s. The instrument was invented by a company from Germany. To make a sound, you blow into the reed (a thin piece of wood). The reed vibrates, which makes a sound. To assemble the clarinet, first put the reeds thin end in your mouth so it can moisten while you are putting the instrument together. Next, put the lower section of the clarinet in your hand with the keys facing up and no pressure on the long rod. Gently twist onto the cork at the bottom of the lower section. Then , take the upper section in your hand and hold it so you can depress the lowest open ring with your second finger. Gently twist the upper section and the lower section together. Make sure that the bridge key on the upper section directly crosses over the connector on the lower section. Also, both sections tone holes should be aligned. Now, holding the clarinet in your left hand near the top of the upper section, pick up the barrel in your right hand and gently twist it's larger end onto the top of the upper section. Finally, gently twist the mouthpiece onto the barrel so the flat side of the mouth piece forms a straight line with the keys. The pitch can be either high or low, depending on how you cover the holes.The following is a labeled picture of a clarinet, telling you the names of all the parts of the clarinet:

This instrument plays in the bass clef. To clean the mouthpiece, soak in a mixture of vinegar and water. To maintain this instrument before and after playing, first remove the reed from the mouthpiece and keep it in it's case. Then, very carefully take the instrument apart and store it in it's case properly. Remember, the clarinet is a very delicate instrument, so always treat it with care. Thanks for reading my Post about the clarinet.

This instrument plays in the bass clef. To clean the mouthpiece, soak in a mixture of vinegar and water. To maintain this instrument before and after playing, first remove the reed from the mouthpiece and keep it in it's case. Then, very carefully take the instrument apart and store it in it's case properly. Remember, the clarinet is a very delicate instrument, so always treat it with care. Thanks for reading my Post about the clarinet.
The Golden Rule
The message of the golden rule is to treat others the way you would like to be treated. This is my answer because, in class, we discussed different versions of the golden rule, but Ms.Crosbie said that they basically all mean that. A way I would express the golden rule in my own words would be: if there is something you don't want others to do to you, don't do it to others. This is basically saying treat others the way you want to be treated. If everyone behaved according to the golden rule, no one would upset anyone else. Everyone would be treated kindly, assuming that is how everyone would want to be treated. Sometimes, people don't behave according to the golden rule because they don't like someone or they disagree with someone, so they treat them with disrespect. For example, if one person says they enjoy doing homework and another person disagrees with them, that person might make fun of them because they don't like their opinion. This is my answer because sometimes different opinions can cause arguments, and most people don't like to be caught in an argument. Thanks for reading my Post about the golden rule.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Behind My Name: Dayna
Before I started this assignment, I thought my name was English, because I had only ever herd the the name mentioned in the English language.
I think my parents chose this name for me because they liked the name and wanted to make the spelling unique.
After searching on Behind The Name, I learned that my name means arbiter, which Ms.Crosbie told me is a person who stops arguments.
Some other interesting things I learned are that my name was once a Danish last name.The name was given in honer of Richard Henry Dana, an American lawyer.
I think my name does suit me because sometimes I stop arguments that are happening between my two best friends.
If I could give myself a new name, it would be Nikki, because I like that name and I also kind of look like a Nikki.For this assignment, I had to look up the spelling of my name "D-A-N-A" because "D-A-Y-N-A" didn't get any results. So, everything I have mentioned above refers to Dana, not Dayna. If I could give my actual name (Dayna) a meaning, I would say it means "mysterious" because it is an uncommon name. "Dragon"!)
I think my parents chose this name for me because they liked the name and wanted to make the spelling unique.
After searching on Behind The Name, I learned that my name means arbiter, which Ms.Crosbie told me is a person who stops arguments.
Some other interesting things I learned are that my name was once a Danish last name.The name was given in honer of Richard Henry Dana, an American lawyer.
I think my name does suit me because sometimes I stop arguments that are happening between my two best friends.
If I could give myself a new name, it would be Nikki, because I like that name and I also kind of look like a Nikki.For this assignment, I had to look up the spelling of my name "D-A-N-A" because "D-A-Y-N-A" didn't get any results. So, everything I have mentioned above refers to Dana, not Dayna. If I could give my actual name (Dayna) a meaning, I would say it means "mysterious" because it is an uncommon name. "Dragon"!)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Stolen Jackpot
In my opinion, it is horrible for a store owner to take a winning lottery from a customer. That is just as bad as taking the actual money. I think it is important to let people know that other people will steel lottery tickets, so you should watch out. I'm not surprised that some people will steal lottery tickets, because everyone wants more money. If someone stold a winning lottery ticket from me, I would tell the police what the thief looked like, sounded like, how he moved and acted and his name if I new it. I would feel very upset that someone had robbed me. How would you feel if someone stold a winning lottery ticket from you?
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Discrimination and Tolerance
Basically, tolerance means that you put up with things or people, even if they are different. Discrimination means that you are being unfair to someone. I think that tolerance is better than discrimination because it isn't good to be unfair to someone, but it is good to put up with something or someone no matter what. So, I guess that an example of tolerance would be that if someone who was different than you walked up to you and your friends and asked if they could play with you, you would let them play even though they are different.You and your friends would have shown tolerance. An example of discrimination would be that if you had a bag of candy and two friends asked you for some, you would give the first friend two candies and the second friend one candy. You would have been unfair to the second friend, so you would have shown discrimination. I would rather show tolerance than discrimination because it is kinder to put up with everyone and everything than it is to be unfair to someone, and I like being kind to everyone. To show tolerance to someone, I can try to get to know someone even if they are different from me. I think everyone should try to show tolerance to everyone else as much as they can. Thanks for reading this post and please visit my blog again.
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