Monday, October 18, 2010

Behind My Name: Dayna

Before I started this assignment, I thought my name was English, because I had only ever herd the the name mentioned in the English language.
I think my parents chose this name for me because they liked the name and wanted to make the spelling unique

After searching on Behind The Name
, I learned that my name means arbiter, which Ms.Crosbie told me is a person who stops arguments.

Some other interesting things I learned are that my name was once a Danish last name.The name was given in honer of Richard Henry Dana, an American lawyer.
I think my name does suit me because sometimes I stop arguments that are happening between my two best friends.

If I could give myself a new name, it would be Nikki, because I like that name and I also kind of look like a Nikki.For this assignment, I had to look up the spelling of my name "D-A-N-A" because "D-A-Y-N-A" didn't get any results. So, everything I have mentioned above refers to Dana, not Dayna. If I could give my actual name (Dayna) a meaning, I would say it means "mysterious" because it is an uncommon name.


  1. That's really cool. Who are your two best friends?
    hope to hear from you soon:)

  2. i'm 1 of her best friends Tara
